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Survey: 66 Percent Of Germans Fear Terrorist Attack

A study reveals that two thirds of Germans are afraid they will become the victim of a terrorist attack, and one in ten perceive an “acute threat” to their safety. A law report published by the German legal expenses insurance group ROLAND, using polling from 1458 German citizens over the age of 16, suggests that fear is more widespread among women. Breibart reports:terrorist attack Of the female respondents, 74 per cent said they sometimes feel unsafe in crowded places, and nine per cent felt permanently threatened and scared. The authors state: “A large part of the population doesn’t feel safe anymore when visiting crowded places. The fear of becoming the victim of a terrorist attack with a high number of casualties is considerable. “A total of 45 per cent of respondents feel uneasy when visiting crowded locations like stations, festivals or even in the downtowns. “Three percent of the population feel permanently unsafe when visiting a public place along with many other people.” The poll, of 1,458 citizens over 16-years-old, was conducted in October, before the Islamic State truck attack on the Berlin Christmas market in which Tunisia migrant murdered 12 people. The truck rampage was Germany’s worst terror atrocity [...]

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