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McCain And Graham Caught Inciting Ukraine To Attack Russia

A video has surfaced online in which warmongers John McCain and Lindsey Graham are caught meeting with the Ukraine military, encouraging them to launch an offensive against Russia and restart hostilities, all the while describing Russia as the “aggressor” that must “pay a heavier price.” Lindsey Graham delivers an incendiary speech in the video, egging on the Ukranian troops to re-start hostilities with Russia. “Your fight is our fight, 2017 will be the year of offense. All of us will go back to Washington and we will push the case against Russia. Enough of a Russian aggression.

Soros Coup: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Fake Protestors Rock Romania

Hundreds of thousands of protestors have taken to the streets in Romania in an attempted coup by George Soros to overthrow the Romanian government. Amid chaotic riots across the country, Romanians geared up for a sixth day of protests on Sunday under the guise of forcing its government to rid the country of corruption – despite the fact the President had already vowed to do so.

Has Trump - Who Ran On an Anti-War Platform - Already Sold Out to the Warmongers ... Or Is He Just Playing for Leverage?

Conservative Patrick Buchanan - who endorsed Trump for president - writes:

High among the reasons that many supported Trump was his understanding that George W. Bush blundered horribly in launching an unprovoked and unnecessary war on Iraq.


Unlike the other candidates, Trump seemed to recognize this.

Iran To Name US Individuals Helping Regional Terrorist Groups

Iran is set to to expose names of individuals and entities in the United States that were responsible for “helping and founding” terrorist groups. The announcement came after US Treasury Department published a list of 13 Iranian individuals and 12 Iranian entities that would face new restrictions following Iran’s recent ballistic missile test. Tehran retaliated to the US sanctions on Friday by saying it would impose legal restrictions on American individuals and entities that were responsible for helping regional terrorist groups.
