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Soros Insider Suggests Military Coup Against President Trump

A former Obama official tied to the New America Foundation funded by billionaire George Soros, proposes carrying out a military coup to overthrow Donald Trump. Rosa Brooks, a former Defense Department official and a senior adviser in the State Department under the Obama administration, has outlined four ways to “get rid” of President Trump. In an editorial for Foreign Policy magazine, Brooks suggests four ways that President Trump can be removed from power. Among them are for Trump to be declared mentally unfit to hold office or to have him overthrown in a military coup.

American Contractor in Iraq Weighs in on Banned Countries Order, Sharing Perspective of Local Iraqis

Whether you supported the Middle East wars or not, the aftermath of more than a decade of war in that region has taken their anti-Americanism to a new level of hatred. An American contractor on the ground in Iraq, Steve Gern, offered his point of view -- gently trying to redpill those who believe importing Iraqis into America is a great idea.

Pentagon’s Footage On Yemen Raid Was Ten Years Old!

The Pentagon has been caught attempting to pass off an old propaganda video to justify a deadly raid in Yemen. The Pentagon promptly withdrew an old video it had released to use as ‘evidence’ that a fatal raid in Yemen this week was a counter-terrorism success. The US military removed the video from their website after it was exposed to be vintage Al-Qaeda footage that was made public a decade ago.

DAPL: Veterans Returning To Standing Rock

Opposition to the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline continues. A group of US military veterans are promising to return to Standing Rock after local law enforcement raided a newly created resistance camp and arrested 76 water protectors. A US veterans group say the Dakota Access pipeline ‘will not get completed. Not on our watch’ They have vowed to block completion of the disputed Dakota Access pipeline, despite the secretary of the Army giving the project the green light.

Iran Defies Trump: Carries Out More Missile Tests, Threatens Enemies With "Roaring Missiles"

Iran Defies Trump: Carries Out More Missile Tests, Threatens Enemies With "Roaring Missiles"

Iran does appears to not be taking Trump's escalating threats too seriously, because just one day after the US imposed restrictions on 25 Iranian individuals and entities in response to a ballistic missile test last week (a move which provoked Tehran to answer by saying it would disclose the names of US individuals and companies involved in "helping and founding" terrorist groups), Iran carried out more missile tests during a military exercise on Saturday. 
