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Trump Signs Executive Orders To Keep "Radical Islamic Terrorists" From Entering US, Rebuild US Military

Shortly after the swearing in of General Mattis as the new US Defense Secretary, Trump signed two new executive orders, one to begin the "great rebuilding of the US military" according to which US military strength "will be questioned by no one", and a second order implementing "new vetting measures" to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the United States.

US Had Plans To ‘Take Out’ Countries On Trump’s Visa Ban List

US president Donald Trump is reportedly set to sign executive orders that would include a temporary refugee ban and a suspension of visas for citizens of Syria and six other Middle Eastern and African countries. The countries named were: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen…(there was no mention of Saudi Arabia) Coincidentally, during a 2007 interview General Wesley Clark said that wars were planned in seven countries. He said the Bush Administration had plans to ‘take out’ Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

The Media Is Now The Political Opposition

Stephen Bannon Is 100% Correct—The Media Is Now The Political Opposition

Paul Craig Roberts

Bannon is correct that the US media—indeed, the entire Western print and TV media—is nothing but a propaganda machine for the ruling elite. The presstitutes are devoid of integrity, moral conscience, and respect for truth. Read the comments in which morons define freedom of the press as the freedom to lie to the public.

Gorbachev: 'It Looks As If The World Is Preparing for War'

Some troubling observations from the last leader of the USSR, first posted in Time.

The world today is overwhelmed with problems. Policymakers seem to be confused and at a loss.

But no problem is more urgent today than the militarization of politics and the new arms race. Stopping and reversing this ruinous race must be our top priority.

The current situation is too dangerous.

Doomsday Clock Moves Forward Two Minutes To Midnight

Scientists moved the ‘Doomsday Clock’ 30 seconds closer to midnight on Thursday, meaning humanity is the closest it has ever been to armageddon.  Comments made by President Trump on nuclear weapons and climate change sparked scientists and scholars from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to move the hands of the clock to two and a half minutes to midnight. The clock was last changed in 2015, from five to three minutes before midnight.
