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Trump vs. the CIA — Paul Craig Roberts

Trump vs. the CIA

Paul Craig Roberts

When I read Trump’s defenders, such as Daniel Lazare, having to balance their defense with denunciations of Trump, I think the CIA’s propaganda is working. In his article, Lazare asks the rhetorical question, “Is a military coup in the works?” He then goes on to describe the CIA and presstitute coup against Trump unfolding before our eyes.

Florida Airport Shooter Claims He Carried Out Attack For ISIS

Accused Florida gunman, Esteban Santiago, who is charged with opening fire at a Florida airport, killing five victims and wounding six others, told investigators that he spoke with ISIS terrorists in “jihadi chat rooms” and carried out the deadly Jan. 6 attack on behalf of ISIS, authorities said Tuesday during a bond hearing.

Speaking at a bond hearing in Florida, FBI Special Agent Michael Ferlazzo testified that Esteban Santiago did not specify whether he was acting on ISIS' orders or was inspired by the group, according to CNN.

Palestinian Embassy Opens In Vatican City

Pope Francis met with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday for the opening of a Palestinian embassy in Vatican City. The inauguration of the embassy came just one day before representatives from 70 countries gathered in the French capital for an Israeli-Palestinian peace conference and amid threats by President-elect Donald Trump to illegally move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Paris talks began just weeks after a historic U.N.

Secret Service Taking Extraordinary Measures To Protect Against "Unprecedented" Inauguration Threats

Secret Service Taking Extraordinary Measures To Protect Against "Unprecedented" Inauguration Threats

Just yesterday we noted the latest undercover video from Project Veritas which revealed anarchist groups plotting to disrupt the Trump inauguration by dumping butyric acid into the heating and ventilation systems of buildings expected to be used for this weekend's festivities.  Add to that, the fact that ~750,000 protesters are expected to descend upon Washington D.C. with a stated intent to "paralyze the city" and Obama's "extremely unusual" move to fire the D.C.
