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Drones Will Replace Human Security Patrols

In the future aerial drones will patrol the skies guarding vital interests and replace security guards. Drones are the future of security and insecurity, a bonanza for the military industrial complex, who hope to fill the gap between the two extremes. Activist Post reports: By Nicholas West Yesterday, I covered an announcement by the U.S. Navy that they are planning to enhance the swarm capabilities of their drone patrol boats to include decision making without human input.

British Generals Arrive In Syria To Train Retreating Terrorists

British Generals and military advisors have arrived in Syria to recruit, train and unify the terrorists who have been forced out of Aleppo, to continue with the bloodshed in the country. The Russian daily Izvestia reports UK Defense Minister Sir Michael Fallon saying that 20 British military instructors have already arrived in Syria to “restore the combat capability of units of the moderate opposition which has retreated from Aleppo”.

Quiet Since WWII, Japan Begins $44 Billion Re-Militarization To Confront China

Quiet Since WWII, Japan Begins $44 Billion Re-Militarization To Confront China

Submitted by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

 The days of post-World War II pacifism in Japan are more or less over.

The Japanese government has announced it will bolster its coast guard capabilities to defend disputed islands in the East China Sea. China also claims and regularly patrols these islands. The coast guard budget is expected to reach a record of 210 billion yen (approximately $1.8 billion), adding eight new ships and more than 200 law enforcement officials.

NATO Auditor Who Discovered US Funds ISIS Found Murdered

A NATO auditor who had uncovered evidence that ISIS was being funded by Western government, was found murdered in Belgium.  Yves Chandelon, the Chief Auditor for NATO, was found dead in the city of Andenne in the Belgian Ardennes. He was found with a gun in his right hand, in an apparent suicide attempt. However, family members are urging authorities to investigate for murder, saying that Yves had been complaining of threatening phone calls in the week leading up to his death, and point out that he was left-handed and so would not have used his right hand to fire the weapon.
