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Vatican: Ancient ‘Blood Miracle’ Fails, Bringing Certain Doom For 2017

The Vatican has announced that 2017 is likely to be year of ‘catastrophe’ and ‘doom’ after a yearly blood ritual failed.  The dried blood of Saint Januarius failed to liquify in a ceremony in Italy on Saturday, which the Vatican say usually signals an omen of ‘disastrous events’ to come. reports: The ceremony of the blood of Saint Januarius, or San Gennaro, is performed several times a year. The blood is kept in special ampules and liquifies during the ceremony. The miracle has been regularly recorded since 1389.

Trump Urges "Civilized World Must Change" After Today's Terror Attacks

After a violent trifecta of a day, in which terrorist attacks left at least 9 dead and 50 injured in Germany after a truck plowed through a crowded Christmas market (see "Truck Ploughs Into Berlin Market Killing Nine, Over 50 Injured; US Condemns 'What Appears To Be A Terrorist Attack'"); three more people hurt in a shooting at an Islamic Center in Zurich, Switzerland; and the Russian Ambassador to Turkey murdered on live television (see "Russian Ambassador In Turkey Murdered In Terrorist Attack By Shooter Screaming "Allahu Akbar" - Live Feed"), president-elect Trump dares

Saudi Arabia Admits Using British Made Cluster Bombs In Yemen

Saudi Arabia has admitted using banned cluster bombs during its airstrikes against Yemen. The Saudi’s have finally admitted that they used British-manufactured cluster bombs against Houthi rebels in Yemen, increasing pressure on the UK government which has repeatedly refused to curb arms sales to Riyadh. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have on several occasions reported the use of illegal cluster bombs by the kingdom in Yemen.

NATO Spy Behind Assassination of Russian Ambassador to Turkey

In order to identify the likely motives of the 22 years old Turkish police officer who assassinated the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, we must keep in mind the backdrop that the Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers are en route to Russia to find a solution to the five years old Syrian conflict for the first time without the participation of the US.

Truck Ploughs Into Berlin Christmas Market Leaving At Least Nine Dead, 50 Injured In Apparent Terrorist Attack

A truck plowed into a crowd at a busy Christmas market in western Berlin leaving at least nine dead according to Berlin police, and over 50 people injured.

Local media, citing police at the scene, said first indications pointed to an attack on the market, situated near the fashionable Kurfuerstendamm avenue and at the foot of the ruined Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church that was kept as a ruin after World War Two. A police spokesperson told German media that they are treating the truck incident in Berlin as a terrorist attack.
