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Trump Urges "Civilized World Must Change" After Today's Terror Attacks

After a violent trifecta of a day, in which terrorist attacks left at least 9 dead and 50 injured in Germany after a truck plowed through a crowded Christmas market (see "Truck Ploughs Into Berlin Market Killing Nine, Over 50 Injured; US Condemns 'What Appears To Be A Terrorist Attack'"); three more people hurt in a shooting at an Islamic Center in Zurich, Switzerland; and the Russian Ambassador to Turkey murdered on live television (see "Russian Ambassador In Turkey Murdered In Terrorist Attack By Shooter Screaming "Allahu Akbar" - Live Feed"), president-elect Trump dares to suggest that something has to change... 


Additionally, Die Welt reports Trump noting that...

The drama on the Berlin Christmas market is a "terrible terror attack". "Innocent civilians were murdered on the street when they were just about to celebrate the Christmas holidays," Trump wrote in a message.


"The Islamic state and other Islamic terrorists regularly slaughter Christians in their communities," Trump continues.


These terrorists, their regional and world-wide networks would have to be eradicated: "An order which we will carry out jointly with all partners who are liberty-loving."

Of course, this kind of insensitivity will merely inflame those left-leaning, more-immigration-is-better, everything-is-awesome members of society who will just keep ignoring this trend until it randomly strikes their own family (especially after a record number of Democratic electors migrated to the dark side).

Ironic really that "hope" is at near record highs across sentiment measures (markets and economics) and now Trump is calling for "change."