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'Pentagon Papers'-Leaker Warns, US Is "Close To Nuclear Armageddon"

'Pentagon Papers'-Leaker Warns, US Is "Close To Nuclear Armageddon"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon papers which exposed the government’s lies during the Vietnam war is vocalizing a warning. He says the United States is really close to a nuclear Armageddon.

Ellsberg, now 86-years-old, leaked the Pentagon papers back in 1969 and he’s now got a new book out which serves a warning to those who care to listen.

'Pacifist' Japan Is Building Missile Bases To Counter China And North Korea

'Pacifist' Japan Is Building Missile Bases To Counter China And North Korea

Yesterday, we published a report about an incident involving South Korea, Japan and China that nearly escalated into a full-blown skirmish, as Japan and South Korea were forced to order intercepts of Chinese military aircraft as a squadron of fighters and bombers flew over the waters between South Korea and Japan - an area that has historically been off limits to Chinese aircraft. It wasn't until after the Chinese aircraft had dispersed that Chinese military commanders disclosed that the intrusion was part of a "military exercise."

America Preparing "Bloody Nose" Military Attack On North Korea: Telegraph

America Preparing "Bloody Nose" Military Attack On North Korea: Telegraph

While North Korea managed to once again drop off the list of immediate geopolitical concerns having kept relative quiet in recent weeks, without any notable provocations or ICBM launches, this may be changing soon, because according to the Telegraph, America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program. The UK newspaper's sources claim that the White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working.
