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Kurdish Snipers Kill 13 ISIS Militants In One Day

Kurdish fighters from the People’s Protection Units (YPG) have killed at least 13 ISIS terrorists in the space of 24 hours, a spokesman for the YPG has confirmed.  “Sniping operations in the ISIS-held Jarablus city continued until Tuesday midnight. At least 13 ISIS terrorists were killed today at the hands of our snipers,” officer Nuraddin Gaban told Kurdish News Agency. reports: Snipers from the YPG, supported by fellow fighters from the Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (YPG), took position at the top of a hill in the eastern suburb of Jarablus city in northern Aleppo.

Saudi Arabia Acquire Atomic Bombs From Pakistan

Saudi Arabia have violated the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty by acquiring nuclear weapons from Pakistan.  According to Saudi political analyst and spokesman for Riyadh, Daham al-Anzi, the Saudi regime have obtained atomic bombs in order to confront the “Iranian threat”. al-Anzi told Russia Today on February 19th that “We [Saudi Arabia] have nuclear bombs,” before repeating the same on another Arab channel.

Ex Google Chief Becomes Pentagon Military Advisor

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been recruited as the head of a new Pentagon advisory board aimed at bringing cutting edge Silicon Valley ideas to the U.S. military.  U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter announced the new appointment on Wednesday, saying that he hopes that Schmidt will be able to use his experience at Google to bring the U.S. military up-to-date technologically. reports: Carter is due to discuss the new Defense Innovation Advisory Board with Schmidt during the annual RSA cybersecurity conference in San Francisco.

Turkey Ignore Ceasefire And Attack Northern Syria As WW3 Moves Forward

The Turkish army are ignoring the ceasefire in Syria as they continue to amass along the border and send in militants to attack targets in northern Syria.  Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said that the Turkish government actively support these militants who are helping Turkey to overthrow Assad. The Turkish government have also made it clear that the shelling of Kurds in Syria will not stop, as the hopes of averting WW3 in the Middle East look increasingly slim.
