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Iranians Seal Their Mouths Shut In Silent Protest At Calais Jungle

Desperate Iranian migrants at the Calais jungle refugee camp in France stitch their lips together in protest. For a third successive day a large swathe of the shanty town is being bulldozed and dismantled by the French authorities. The Mirror reports: At least five Iranian men have already stitched their lips at the slum, where bulldozers were today clearing ramshackle homes for a third successive day. They have done so to signify that their voices are not being heard by the French authorities. Today, the protesters were pictured holding aloft banners, accusing the officials of restricting their freedom and their human rights . One banner read: “I left my country and I came here to find my human rights but unfortunately I have found NONE.” Another read: “Where is your democracy? Where is our freedom?” French CRS riot officers armed with tear gas, batons and riot shields stood by as the protest was held peacefully. A flashpoint erupted a short distance away when a fight broke out between a knife-wielding man and another migrant in front of dozens of others. It ended when the suspected victim fled into the crowds from the man who was brandishing a small kitchen knife of around five [...]