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German TV Channel Changes Logo To Show Islamic Star And Crescent

German TV station Tele5 has changed its logo to represent German and Turkish solidarity in the face of the recent terrorist attacks in Istanbul which killed 10 German tourists.  The new logo shows the Islamic star and crescent of Turkey’s flag superimposed on the national tricolor. The change in logo comes just two weeks after the New Year’s Eve sexual assaults on revelers in Cologne by newly arrived migrants, that led to a rise of anti-immigration sentiment in Germany and other European countries.

US Vaporizes "Millions" In Cash, Kills 7 Civilians In "Unusual" Strike On ISIS "Bank"

Back in June of 2014, ISIS - which at the time hadn’t yet rampaged its way into the world’s collective consciousness - took over Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city and home to more than 2 million people.

When the city fell, it became immediately apparent that the group was quite serious about its stated goal of creating a medieval caliphate and bringing Sharia Law to the entire region.

The victory wasn’t purely symbolic. ISIS fighters captured 2,300 Humvees parked in the city and looted more than $400 million from Mosul’s central bank.

Queen Elizabeth Promises To ‘Take Back America’ If Trump Elected

Queen Elizabeth has promised her subjects that she will authorize the UK to invade of the United States of America if Donald Trump is elected President in November 2016.  Buckingham Palace released a statement from her Majesty, saying “Should Mr Trump be elected we will take back America by force and place it once again under colonial rule“. The D.C.
