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Israel Arrests Palestinians Seeking Refuge At Red Cross In East Jerusalem

Two Palestinians who had sheltered inside the headquarters of the Red Cross International Committee in Shaikh Jarah, occupied East Jerusalem, were arrested by Israeli occupation forces in a raid on Wednesday. The two Palestinians arrested were artists who had barricaded themselves in the premises to avoid administrative expulsion orders, after Israel banned them from their home city for several months. Gulf News reports: Samer Abu Aisah, 28 and Hijazi Abu Subaih, 33 have taken refuges at the headquarters protesting their “unfair” expulsion.

U.S. Army Troops Trapped Amid Afghan Firefight

Over a dozen U.S. Army troops have been left trapped in Marjah, Afghanistan, amid enemy fire by Taliban fighters after a U.S. special operations soldier was killed earlier on.  Enemy forces surround the compound the soldiers are taking cover in, as they wait for backup over night. reports: A U.S. official described the “harrowing” scene to Fox News, saying there were enemy forces surrounding the compound in which the special operations team sought refuge.

ISIS, Oil & Another US-NATO War In Libya

The US-NATO military alliance ravaged Libya in 2011. North Africa’s most developed country was left in complete political anarchy, with a destroyed economy and a war torn society. The country remains chaotic and it’s oil fields, which were controlled by the country’s National Oil Company, have been under constant threat from extremist groups and militias….and now of course they are threatened by ISIS Just this week, ISIS fighters tried to enter Libya’s oil port of Sidra.

US Special Forces Killed And Injured During Mission In Afghanistan

A US special forces team on a counter-terrorism mission in Afghanistan have come under fire in Helmand province, sustaining casualties. A helicopter sent in to rescue the team, also came under attack and was immobilized, according to US officials. The BBC reports: Some 12,000 foreign soldiers are still deployed in Afghanistan to help local forces and some were deployed recently to tackle Taliban fighters in Helmand. ‘Not shot down’ Details of what happened in the incident, which took place near the town of Marjah on Tuesday, remain sketchy.
