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The US terrorism scare

War abroad is inevitably accompanied by repression at home, with police-military mobilizations that are carried out in the name of fighting "terrorism," but whose real purpose is to suppress domestic antiwar sentiment and working class opposition to the austerity measures required by the deepening crisis of world capitalism.

"America's Ship Is Sinking" Former Bush Official Exposes The Unfixable Corruption Inside The Establishment

"This ship is sinking," retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson tells Abby Martin, adding that "today the purpose of US foreign policy is to support the complex that we have created in the national security state that is fueled, funded, and powered by interminable war."

The One Percent Rallies Behind IMF Director Christine LaGarde

Christine LaGarde serves only the One Percent. She overturned the decision by the IMF's professional staff that the Greek debt had to be written down to a sum that the country could afford to service. Instead, LaGarde enabled the One Percent to loot the Greek nation and the Greek people, forcing many young Greek women into prostitution in order to have money for food.
