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US Fires Latest Shot In China Trade War: Warns Beijing Is "Threat To World's Trading System"

It's been at least a few weeks since the topic of trade war with China dominated the news flow, so moments ago U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer decided to poke that particular wound, in during a speech in Washington said that "China’s coordinated effort to create national champions and distort markets is a threat to the world’s trading system."

Some headlines from his speech, via Reuters:

A Frustrated Bank Of America Asks "What Could Go Wrong?": Here Is Its Answer

A Frustrated Bank Of America Asks "What Could Go Wrong?": Here Is Its Answer

For the past 3 months, Bank of America strategist David Woo has been warning that the market is precariously unbalanced, and as a result the smallest shift away from being "priced to perfection", or spike in volatility, could lead to a waterfall event. As we first reported back in July, Woo first warned that between the ongoing standoff in Washington, and the seemingly endless showdown with North Korea, there are two "dangerous" games of chicken afoot, both of which could culminate in a market crash.

The Neoconservatives Have Declared War On The Realists

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In recent years, I've increasingly suspected that when it comes to foreign policy, the realists offer some of the most sane observations. 

These suspicions were confirmed earlier this year when after the election of Donald Trump, John Mearsheimer, one of modern realism's current standard bearers, wrote in The National Interest that Trump should "adopt a realist foreign policy" and outlines a far better foreign policy agenda that what we've seen coming from Washington. 
