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"Yesterday Was A Once-In-A-Decade Sort Of Day For The S&P 500"

"Yesterday Was A Once-In-A-Decade Sort Of Day For The S&P 500"

Authored by Peter Tchir via Brean Capital,

I wish it was Sunday‘Cause that’s my fun dayIt’s just another melt-up Monday

The S&P 500 has rallied 1% or more four times this year – three of those have been on Mondays (4 out of the 7 largest upside moves this year in the S&P 500 have been Monday’s).

Unlike in the good old days where Merger Monday mania drove Wall Street, it has been – take your hedges off Monday that has driven the returns.

If you don’t see that Washington is driving to war with Russia you are a dumbshit American

If you don’t see that Washington is driving to war with Russia you are
a dumbshit American

Stephan Lendman Tells It Like It Is

by Stephen Lendman

In response to the Trump administration’s illegal seizure and search of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, a total violation of diplomatic immunity, Vladimir Putin responded to a reporter’s question, saying “Trump is not my bride, and I am not his bride or groom.”

Paul Craig Roberts Rages At Americans "Laughing All The Way To Armageddon"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

The United States shows the world such a ridiculous face that the world laughs at us.

The latest spin on “Russia stole the election” is that Russia used Facebook to influence the election. The NPR women yesterday were breathless about it.

We have been subjected to ten months of propaganda about Trump/Putin election interference and still not a scrap of evidence. It is past time to ask an unasked question:

Venezuela Is About To Ditch The Dollar In Major Blow To US: Here's Why It Matters

Venezuela Is About To Ditch The Dollar In Major Blow To US: Here's Why It Matters

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Thursday that Venezuela will be looking to “free” itself from the U.S. dollar next week, Reuters reports. According to the outlet, Maduro will look to use the weakest of two official foreign exchange regimes (essentially the way Venezuela will manage its currency in relation to other currencies and the foreign exchange market), along with a basket of currencies.
