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No Moderation In Washington, War is the only Virtue

No Moderation In Washington, War is the only Virtue

Iranian President’s UN Address

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is a distinguished figure, supporting world peace, deploring war – polar opposite his Western counterparts.

On Wednesday, he addressed the UN General Assembly in New York, speaking forthrightly, explaining his agenda “calls for moderation and respect for human rights and prosperity and economic revitalization at home, and constructive engagement around the world.”

The Petrodollar Is Under Attack: Here's What You Need To Know

The Petrodollar Is Under Attack: Here's What You Need To Know

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

Once upon a time, the U.S. dollar was backed by the gold standard in a framework that established what was known as the Bretton-Woods agreement, made in 1944. The dollar was fixed to gold at a price of $35 an ounce, though the dollar could earn interest, marking one notable difference from gold.

Can Putin Stand Up To Washington?

Can Putin Stand Up To Washington?

Drake University Emeritus Professor of Economics Ismael Hossein-zadeh explains that the reason Russian President Vladimir Putin so often blinks when Washington confronts him is that the ruling oligarchs in the US and Russia are members of the same financial elite. The more than one hundred Russian billionaires are financially integrated into the West and are able to elevate their interests above Russian national interests.

How The Military Defeated Trump's Insurgency

How The Military Defeated Trump's Insurgency

Via Moon of Alabama blog,

Trump was seen as a presidential candidate who would possibly move towards a less interventionist foreign policy.

That hope is gone. The insurgency that brought Trump to the top was defeated by a counter-insurgency campaign waged by the U.S. military. (Historically its first successful one).

The military has taken control of the White House process and it is now taking control of its policies.
