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The Anti-Trump Resistance: US Govt Scientists Defy Trump With "Rogue" Twitter Accounts

Following a new Trump directive mandating that all EPA research must undergo "political review" prior to release, a number of anonymous employees from more than a dozen U.S. government agencies have established a network of unofficial "rogue" Twitter feeds in defiance of what they see as attempts to censor federal climate change research and other science.  Seizing on Trump's favorite mode of discourse, scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA and other bureaus have privately launched Twitter accounts - borrowing names and logos of their agencies - to protest restrictions they view as censorship and provide unfettered platforms for information the new administration has curtailed.

The movement seems to be inspired by an incident we noted a couple of days ago in which a "rogue" employee of the Badlands National Park posted a series of tweets on climate change that were promptly removed.  So, the handle of @AltNatParkSer was born and has picked up where the Badlands NPS employee left off.


But there are many more "rogue" handles springing up as well.  Ironically, @RogueNASA demands that you "RESIST FAKE NEWS" while reporting from a fake, anonymous twitter account.


@altUSEPA, an account "activated to circumvent censorship," vows to "only distribute information obtained from legitimate but anonymized EPA sources"


Meanwhile, @ungaggedEPA decided to invoke the "Rubio attack" saying "this is an administration of small hands, closed doors, and gag orders."

It shaping up to be an interesting 4 (to 8) years.