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Authors Claim Turkey’s Leader Erdogan Runs ISIS On Behalf Of NATO

A group of authors claim they have evidence that proves ISIS were created by NATO and then handed over to be militarily led by Turkey, in order to destabilize the Middle East and allow Western leaders to dominate the region. According to investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, ISIS began as a rebel group under the US occupation of Iraq which then grew as they ravaged Libya and Syria. Saudi Arabia and Turkey funded the group so they could fulfil the orders coming from the US to fight proxy wars, in order to acquire oil, gas, and land for the West. According to the Amazon book description: ISIS is a supercharged new brand of Al Qaeda, which like Gladio was founded by the US to fight Russia. The so-called founders and bogeymen of ISIS, Zarqawi and Baghdadi, were puppets invented by the CIA. ISIS is the latest offensive in a very long-term Anglo-Zionist “Divide and Conquer” project to balkanize and subjugate the Middle East, by fostering narrow sectarianism and infighting among its peoples. Britain installed the Saudi-Wahhabi monarchy over 200 years ago, which is the main source of funding for Islamic extremism, including ISIS. Turkey’s dictator Erdogan runs ISIS for NATO; like the Saudis, he is [...]