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Bernie Sanders Calls for National Fracking Ban

Bernie Sanders has started to increase his focus on the issues of fracking and the dangers of fracking-related methane pollution. A recent Gallup poll reported a growing opposition to fracking with only 25% of Democrats nationwide supporting it. ABC news reports: Last fall, Sanders introduced during sweeping legislation to ban the extract of any fossil fuels on federal lands, but in Binghamton, New York on Monday, the Vermont senator went even further, proposing a national ban on the controversial natural shale gas extraction technology. “In my view, if we are serious about safe and clean drinking water, if we are serious about clean air,” he said. “If we are serious about combating climate change, we need to put an end to fracking not only in New York and Vermont, but all over this country.” Youtube video by Justin Mikulka Last year, after a significant activist movement, New York prohibited fracking despite the state’s large shale gas resources. The issue works in Sanders favors in two ways, as both a way to contrast his record with his primary opponent as well as highlight recent successes of grassroots organization. “I want to applaud you for standing up to Governor [Andrew] Cuomo,” Sanders [...]