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Bill Gates Admits “Vaccines Are Best Way To Depopulate”

Bill Gates has openly admitted that vaccinations are designed so that governments can depopulate the world. Gates says that in order to successfully depopulate an “overcrowded world” at least 350,000 must be killed each day, and he says this can be done via vaccine programs. [SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO] reports: Vaccines are one of the biggest public health victories in human history. People are exceedingly reliable to it for eradicating illness and reducing the incidence of new infections of diseases such as polio, diphtheria, measles, rubella, rotavirus and many others. However, despite this public health success, irrational anti-vaccine sentiments based on ignorance and fear mongering continues to exist. They do more harm than good. Vaccines and general improvements in health care availability increase the living standards of individuals. Vaccination – to reduce population! (Bill Gates… by wslnow Bill Gates expound on how we must all consent to a ‘kill the humans’ strategy, to ‘save the planet’ from the carbon dioxide we make. See his lips move. I’m not kidding. It is not a new thing that some parents wouldn’t want their children to be vaccinated. They say that it is just wrong to inject their kids with a VIRUS—no [...]