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Back in 1997, Harold J. Nicholson, a former employee for the CIA, was sentenced to 23 years in jail for conspiring with the Russian government. Tonight on Hardball, Sen. Blumenthal went off the deep end of his own conspiratorial bend -- proclaiming that both Flynn, Kushner and others in the Trump White House could succumb to conspiracy charges.

When discussing the matter of Flynn, the host, Chris Mathews, asked the Senator if he should be given immunity, so that he could spill the beans on the President -- inferring that Trump had something to hide that Flynn knew about. Both Blumenthal and Mathews then started to theorize, incredulously as if disconnected from the real world, a grande Russian scheme had taken place -- all at the behest of Trump, that could land Flynn 15 years in prison.

Mathews then staggered on, praising the press for providing the public with leaks, revealing what he deemed to be 'Russian shenanigans', saying 'the press should be commended'.

'All these Russian things going, all the time, and the only reason why we know about them is the press.'

Hmm, I wonder why democrats keep losing elections.