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Bombshell: Congresswoman Tells CNN U.S. Gov Funds ISIS

Brave Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard told CNN that the U.S. government funds both ISIS and Al Qaeda, in a live interview.  According to the Hawaii representative, Donald Trump’s priority as President should be de-funding both of these terrorist organisations as soon as possible. reports: “I love my job. The people of Hawaii chose me to work again in November. My goal in going there, in receiving the invitation to speak to President-Elect Trump was to speak specifically about the situation in Syria and the consequences of escalating the regime change war that the United States is ruling along with countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey and escalating that view a no-fly zone or safe zone. And urging him to end the regime change war, to stop funding directly and indirectly groups working with ISIS and Al Qaeda and to stop funneling the dollars and weapons and assistance from others directly supporting the terrorist groups who are supposed to be our enemy who we are supposed to be fighting to defeat.” When Tapper asked her if she was suggesting the US was funding these terrorist groups, she said we were. “I am not only suggesting it. This is the reality that [...]

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