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Brexit Is Bad For British Science Says Professor Hawking

Britain could lose out on European scientific talent and progress in future if it chooses Brexit and leaves the European Union, according to Professor Stephen Hawking and 150 other distinguished scientists. Tech Week reports: The UK should stay within the European Union as an exit would be a “disaster” for British science. This was the stark warning from 150 scientists of the Royal Society, including renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, who signed a letter to the Times newspaper. Disaster For Science “We now recruit many of our best researchers from continental Europe, including younger ones who have obtained EU grants and have chosen to move with them here,” reads the letter. “Being able to attract and fund the most talented Europeans assures the future of British science and also encourages the best scientists elsewhere to come here,” said the scientists. “If the UK leaves the EU and there is a loss of freedom of movement of scientists between the UK and Europe, it will be a disaster for UK science and universities.” The scientists include three Nobel laureates as well as Professor Hawking. And they warn about the impact on funding in this country, pointing to figures that show the UK [...]