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California Finally Declares Emergency Over Los Angeles Gas Leak

Governor Jerry Brown has finally declared a State of Emergency for the gas leak in Porter Ranch, southern California. It is the largest gas leak ever recorded, where a blown-out well has been spewing record amounts of methane gas since October last year. Environmental activist and lawyer Erin Brockovich says it is one of the most significant environmental disasters in recent history. Governor Brown has asked for expediency in plugging the well after the plug was left out by Southern California Gas Company. The Guardian reports: Ten weeks after the 23 October breach was detected, Brown ordered state agencies to make sure Southern California Gas Company, which owns the stricken natural gas storage facility, plugs the leak. Environmental Defense Fund YouTube video: “All necessary and viable actions will be taken to ensure Southern California Gas Company: maximizes daily withdrawals of natural gas from the Aliso Canyon Storage Facility for use or storage elsewhere; captures leaking gas and odorants while relief wells are being completed; and identifies how it will stop the gas leak if relief wells fail to seal the leaking well, or if the existing leak worsens,” the order said. The breach had released “major amounts of methane, a [...]