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Caught On Tape: Trump Crashes Mar-A-Lago Wedding With Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Trump's weekend golf getaway with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Mar-A-Lago (a.k.a. "The Winter White House") is getting increasingly bizarre by the second.  Earlier today we wrote about Richard DeAgazio, a 72-year-old Palm Beach businessman, Trump supporter, actor and Mar-A-Lago member, who decided post selfies to Facebook with the "Nuclear Football" then proceeded to effectively live blog Trump and Prime Minister Abe's reaction to an international crisis involving a North Korean missile launch (see "Random Mar-A-Lago Guest Posts Selfie With "Nuclear Football" Briefcase").

But, in the midst of entertaining a foreign leader and addressing an international crisis with a rogue state, Trump apparently also found time to crash the wedding of Vanessa Jane Falk (36) and Carl Henry Lindner IV (33) at his signature resort.  And, lest you think we're joking, here is a picture of Trump with the happy couple:


And, of course, the obligatory picture with the doubt that kisses were given all around.


Unfortunately, the fun doesn't end there as the President decided to deliver a personal toast to the bride and groom at their reception.  Everything started off just fine with the customary congratulatory remarks but turned back to the slightly bizarre when Trump decided to thank the couple of being long-time members of Mar-A-Lago, a membership for which he noted they had "paid him a fortune."  Per CNN:

"I saw them out on the lawn today," Trump said of the bride and groom Saturday, who were standing nearby. "I said to the Prime Minister of Japan, I said, 'C'mon Shinzo, let's go over and say hello.' "


"They've been members of this club for a long time," Trump said of the newlyweds. "They've paid me a fortune."

Of course, with Democrats already calling for impeachment proceedings over "conflicts of interest" related to Trump's business interests, we just can't wait for Nancy Pelosi's response to this one...