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Celebrities Told If They Support Trump Hollywood Will Blacklist Them Forever

A Hollywood star has penned an open letter that reveals senior Hollywood executives have ordered Trump supporting stars not to show support for President Trump – otherwise their careers in the industry will be over. The extraordinary letter details the inner workings of Hollywood, and claims there is a Marxist cultural agenda being rolled out by the elites who are working to a multi-year plan. The star, an actor, explains that he is “fighting from the inside” but claims that he and “hundreds of other Trump supporters in Hollywood” cannot openly declare their support for their President because it will “breach our contracts… at the very minimum we will be forever blacklisted.“ “Fortunately, my agent that represents me is very open about everything and is totally cool with me being a Trump supporter but that’s not enough. I contacted my lawyer who basically gave me the same advice: “If you prefer not to have a potential lawsuit against you, better not wear your MAGA hat to a public event.“ “Hollywood is not fond of free speech” “If I could only describe the contempt the elite hold, it’s astounding. These are NOT Americans, although they pretend to be. Their goal is to shape the public’s opinion of anyone who [...]