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Clinton Foundation Board Member Probed Over Unlawful Campaign Contributions

A month ago, Virgina governor Terry McAuliffe signed a controversial order into law which restored voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons in Virginia. At the time we noted McAuliffe's close relationship with Hillary, and opposition comments that his action "doesn't speak of mercy. Rather, it speaks of political opportunism," and African American support in the state. All of which is by way of background as CNN reports today that McAuliffe is now being probed over questionable donations made to his campaign (from a Chinese businessman) during his time as a board member of The Clinton Global Initiative. We have three simple words: quid pro quo?

A month ago, the Richmond Times Dispatch reports, Governor Terry McAuliffe today signed an order to restore voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons in Virginia.

The order applies to nonviolent and violent felons, and according to a confidential draft of research for the order obtained by the Richmond Times Dispatch, is authorized under the Constitution of Virginia. Why this surprising announcement now? As Reuters says, the "move that could help the Democratic nominee in November's presidential election."


In other words Hillary's elections chances just jump thanks to the support of convicted criminals as at least one state allowed them to vote. Expect many more states to follows.


McAuliffe tweeted a photo of himself signing the order in the state capital of Richmond, surrounded by members of his administration and others. "Virginia will no longer build walls and barriers to the ballot box – we will break them down,” McAuliffe said in a message on his Twitter account.




We are sure the correlation between the following chart of support for Clinton separate by race and the 200,000 felons in Virginia was just a coincidence


So imagine our surprise when CNN reported today that during his time last year as a board member for The Clinton Global Intiative, McAuliffe may allegedly have received illegal (large) campaign contributions...

Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the FBI and prosecutors from the Justice Department's public integrity unit, U.S. officials briefed on the probe say.


The investigation dates to at least last year and has focused, at least in part, on whether donations to his gubernatorial campaign violated the law, the officials said.




As part of the probe, the officials said, investigators have scrutinized McAuliffe's time as a board member of the Clinton Global Initiative, a vehicle of the charitable foundation set up by former President Bill Clinton.

Among the McAuliffe donations that drew the interest of the investigators was $120,000 from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, through his U.S. businesses. Wang was previously delegate to China's National People's Congress, the country's ceremonial legislature.

"Neither the Governor nor his former campaign has knowledge of this matter, but as reported, contributions to the campaign from Mr. Wang were completely lawful," said Elias.


Wang also has been a donor to the Clinton foundation, pledging $2 million. He also has been a prolific donor to other causes, including to New York University, Harvard and environmental issues in Florida.


U.S. election law prohibits foreign nationals from donating to federal, state or local elections. Penalties for violations include fines and/or imprisonment.


But Wang holds U.S. permanent resident status, according to a spokeswoman, which would make him a U.S. person under election law and eligible to donate to McAuliffe's campaign.


Neither Wang nor his company used to make the donations have been contacted by U.S. investigators, according to the spokeswoman.

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Of course, it's probably all just coincidence but it does raise yet more questions about Hillary's 'charity' and her honesty.

Finally, with the web of coincidental illegal activities surrounding Clinton closing in; one might wonder if a) this is the establishment preparing to take her down and run Biden at the Convention, or b) The FBI is lashing out at having been quietly blocked from the email investigation?