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Congress To Prosecute Hillary Clinton Aide Bryan Pagliano

Congress has vowed to prosecute former Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano for refusing to answer questions about Hillary’s illegal use of a private email server. Pagliano, a former State Department employee, had helped Hillary set up her unsecured private email server, which was then used to illegally transmit classified information. reports: Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday asking him to convene a grand jury or charge Bryan Pagliano, the computer specialist who helped establish Clinton’s server while she was secretary of state. Pagliano did not comply with two subpoenas ordering him to appear before the oversight panel. The GOP-led committee later voted to hold him in contempt of Congress. Earlier this month, Chaffetz met with Trump at the White House and agreed not to discuss oversight. He has rebuffed calls for his panel to look into Trump’s businesses and possible conflicts. Chaffetz said in a statement that allowing Pagliano’s conduct “to go unaddressed would gravely harm Congress’ ability to conduct oversight.” Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the committee, said pursuing charges against Pagliano would be a waste of time and money. “Apparently, Chairman Chaffetz and President Trump [...]

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