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Corbyn: Tony Blair’s Lies On Iraq Will Be Exposed By Chilcot Report

Jeremy Corbyn has said that Tony Blair’s lies about weapons of mass destruction and his secret war pact with former US President George W Bush will be exposed by the Chilcot Inquiry.   Last year Labour Party leader said that Mr Blair should stand trial for war crimes if it was found he had broken the law over the 2003 conflict. Sir John Chilcot is due to finally release his long-delayed report on the legality of the 2003 Iraq invasion on July 6, seven years after the inquiry was commissioned and less than a fortnight after the EU referendum. A leading Tory MP recently claimed that the controversial Iraq war inquiry report had purposely been delayed until after the referendum to avoid embarrassing pro EU Tony Blair RT reports: Corbyn made the remarks on Tuesday in a speech at the London School of Economics to honour the late Ralph Miliband, a Marxist scholar and father of Corbyn’s predecessor, Ed Miliband. While Corbyn supported some of the domestic achievements of Blair’s “New Labour,” he argued it had stuck too closely to its neoliberal, Thatcherite ideological roots. Addressing Blair’s Iraq legacy, Corbyn warned: “The Chilcot report will come out in a few [...]