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Core Consumer Price Growth Comes In Cold - Apparel Prices Plunge Most Since 1998

Following producer prices' surge in November, consumer prices rose 2.2% YoY (as expected).

October producer price pushed to its highest since Dec 2011 but consumer prices are not being pushed higher for now...

The energy index rose 3.9 percent and accounted for about three-fourths of the all items increase; indexes for motor vehicle insurance, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles also increased. The indexes for apparel, airline fares, and household furnishings and operations all declined in November  

However, core consumer price growth disappointed, dipping to just 1.7% YoY - near the lowest in 3 years.


The shelter index continued to rise,but the silver lining is that growth is slowing...


And ahead of Christmas - The apparel index fell in November; its 1.3-percent decline was its largest decrease since September 1998...