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Enormous UFO Spaceship Spotted On Latest NASA ISS Feed

A UFO expert has spotted what he believes to be an enormous UFO ‘mothership’ whilst watching a live NSAS video feed from the International Space Station (ISS).  Jadon Besson says he was watching the live stream with thousands of others when he noticed the large mysterious object in the background of the footage. reports: He said the UFO was similar to the Millennium Falcon, a spaceship made popular in the Star Wars films. Jadon grabbed a screen shot and has sent the image to NASA and is still awaiting a response and explanation. Jadon said: I was watching the live stream on my iPhone on Tuesday night and I popped away to see my neighbours and came back an hour later – I had left the stream on on my phone. “I looked and realised there was a metal object above the earth. It had a blue glow to it and it stayed there for about two minutes. “It was a metallic object, it looks like a Millennium Falcon from Star Wars or something from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. “I thought it was all very strange.” Jadon, of Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire, works in retail and says he has [...]