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Europe Stays Silent As Turkey Butchers Its Kurds

NATO member Turkey is using the opportunity of the conflict in Syria to finish off  the genocide of all ethnic minorities in the country which they started with the Greeks and Armenians in the 20th century. Now Turkey seems set to do the same against the Kurdish population in its Southeast, and the silence from Europe is deafening. Russia Insider reports: It appears the EU and Turkey have reached a blood bargain – if the Euros look the other way on the Kurdish “problem,” Erdogan will cut refugee flows into Europe. Below is a report from Russian TV about the “anti-terror” operation going on in Turkey against the Kurds – whose militia is in fact one of the strongest forces opposing the savage terrorists of ISIS. Turkey’s support for ISIS has been well established. Tatiana Zdanok is a member of the European Parliament from Latvia best known for her fight for equal rights for ethnic and non-ethnic (Russian speaking) Latvians. With four other MEPs she visited the areas of Turkish Kurdistan where Erdogan is waging a war against people merely for speaking a different language. (Please click on “CC” to activate subtitles) Erdogan seems to be copying the strategy of [...]