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Everyone is Just Holding ON hoping they can get through Year End (Video)

By EconMatters

There are a lot of concerns out there that has the market terrified, investors are just hoping like hell they don`t lose money before the year is out because they can`t sell due to tax costs. Forget the Market Pullback, we may have a market crash in 2017 if Trump starts a Trade War with China!

From the Geopolitical tensions, to insolvent Banks in Europe, to the dynamics behind China`s recent selloff the last month, to mounting pressures in Asia currencies, and Trump`s decision making incompetence the market is a short, and susceptible to at least a 20 percent pullback in 2017 the way headwinds are shaping up for 2017, and I haven`t even mentioned higher inflation, the end of this business cycle, and higher interest rates.

There was a reason the market was scared of a Trump presidency, that didn`t all just go away because fund managers wanted to make their year end numbers look good with window dressing. Frankly, Trump`s cabinet picks are only reinforcing the notion that he is just not qualified to be President, his choices are just setting the stage for major problems in his administration down the line.

Financial Markets will start to freak out in 2017 as they realize they elected the Donald Trump who bankrupted Atlantic City Casinos like there was no tomorrow. Investors better hope they made something in 2016, because they are losing a shitload of money in 2017!

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