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Experts: Prepare For Guerrilla Warfare Against Zika Mosquitoes

Scientists have warned that the explosive spread of the Zika virus across the America’s will see an increase in Guerrilla warfare style battles against mosquitoes.  Authorities fighting mosquito’s are increasingly going door-to-door, spraying neighbourhoods with insecticides in order to kill mosquitoes carrying the deadly virus. reports: Nearly a year after the first cases of Zika were diagnosed in Brazil, the virus, which is suspected to cause birth defects and other neurological problems, is bearing down on American shores. It is already in Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands. There have been more than 50 cases of Americans infected abroad, and most experts believe that by summer, the continental United States will have some of its own homegrown cases, meaning that domestic mosquitoes will have the virus. “It’s like preparing for a hurricane,” said Dennis Moore, director of mosquito control in Pasco County, Fla. “You know it’s coming from across the Gulf, but where it’s going to land, we just don’t know.” How Mosquitoes Spread Zika The Aedes aegypti mosquito is thought to be responsible for most of the spread of Zika. The virus is carried by female mosquitoes (males do not bite) that have fed on infected blood. [...]