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Fish Test Positive For Anti-depressants & Cocaine In Puget Sound

Fish found in Washington’s Puget Sound are being intoxicated by cocaine, Prozac, Advil, Benadryl, Lipitor and more as a result of tainted discharge water.  Many drugs have shown up in the tissues of juvenile Chinook salmon. According to a new study out of the National Oceanie and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Estuary waters near the sewage treatment plants were found to contain a cocktail of up to 81 different drugs RT reports: There are several plausible theories about the Puget Sound’s high concentration of drug-infused water. Jim Meador, an environmental toxicologist at the NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, published a study that offered two options. One possibility is that people in the areas around the Puget Sound use more of the detected drugs. However, it is also likely that the problem lies with the treatment of waste water. “The concentrations in effluent [waste water] were higher than we expected,” Meador said in the Seattle Times, “We analyzed samples for 150 compounds and we had 61 percent of them detected in effluent. So we know these are going into the estuaries.” The connection between the chemicals found in the water and fish was determined after the same substances were found [...]