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French Intelligence Were Complicit In Charlie Hebdo Attacks

French intelligence authorities may have been complicit in the Charlie Hebdo attacks last year, as evidence has emerged that police may have armed suspect Amedy Coulibaly with the weapons used to commit the attacks.  It is also now known that the intelligence agencies had been keeping an intensive surveillance on the Kouachi brothers and Amedy Coulibaly months before they committed the attacks. reports: Already last year, it was hard to understand how individuals known to the intelligence services could have prepared such attacks without being detected. The revelation that Coulibaly received weapons from Claude Hermant, a police informant tied to the neo-fascist and anti-Muslim National Front (FN), raised further questions as to the possible complicity of political forces in France that could have benefited from them. The attack not only accelerated the normalization of the FN, but reinforced police powers, a key element of the policy of the ruling Socialist Party (PS). Documents obtained by investigating magistrates probing the January 2015 attacks raise even more questions, however, about possible complicity of forces within the French state. The Kouachi brothers were closely monitored between 2010 and 2015 due to their direct contact with leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula [...]