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Frontrunning: December 27

  • Monte dei Paschi Rescue Cost Jumps as Deposits Fall (WSJ)
  • Russia finds first black box from Black Sea crash jet (Reuters)
  • Prat-Gay Fired as Argentine Finance Minister After One Year (BBG)
  • Fear of Trump Triggers Deep Spending Cuts by Nation's Second Largest Union (BBG)
  • Xi’s Power Play Foreshadows Change in How China Is Ruled (WSJ)
  • China to launch probe for soft landing on the far side of the moon by 2017 (Global Times)
  • CEO’s Winning Gamble May Keep Scrooge From Deutsche Bank Bonuses (BBG)
  • Outrage Over the Economy Doesn’t Explain Surging Global Populism (BBG)
  • Toshiba Says Nuclear Writedown May Reach Billions of Dollars (BBG)
  • ‘Rogue One’ Pads Disney’s Year as Movie Sales Near Record (BBG)
  • One of 2016’s Worst-Performing Assets: Frontier Markets (WSJ)
  • China Industrial Profits Climb 14.5%, Led by Coal And Metals (BBG)
  • Russia says Syrian government and opposition in talks (Reuters)
  • German lawmakers urge tougher security measures after market attack (Reuters)
  • Bankruptcy Is an Option for Some Burdened by Student Loans (WSJ)
  • Britney Spears Isn’t Dead: Sony Says Twitter Account Compromised (BBG)
  • Russia Urges Libya Leadership Role for UN-Defying Military Chief (BBG)


Overnight Media Digest


- Japanese electronics giant Toshiba Corp said it would record another hefty write-down connected to its U.S. nuclear business, clouding the company's plan for turning around after an accounting scandal in 2015.

- A strengthening dollar is re-emerging as a threat to U.S. manufacturers by making their exports more expensive and their foreign earnings less valuable.

- Citing attorney-client privilege, U.S. law firms keep secret the owners of money that moves into and out of their pooled accounts, a money-laundering vulnerability that U.S. prosecutors say was exploited in a multibillion-dollar fraud at Malaysian state fund 1MDB.

- Israel's settlement-building in disputed areas is accompanied by an edging away from support for a Palestinian state, thanks partly to domestic political rivalries-a trend that helped spur a United Nations condemnation of the country but also could limit the impact of that censure.

- The nearly $1.4 trillion student-loan market is expected to be far more hospitable to private lenders under a Donald Trump administration than during the last eight years.

- The concentration of wealth among president-elect Donald Trump's nominees is setting up an arduous and expensive Senate confirmation process that could slow implementation of the White House agenda.

- Argentina's Finance Minister Alfonso Prat-Gay was forced out of his post on Monday as the economy struggles to rebound a year after President Mauricio Macri took office and introduced a series of market-friendly reforms.



- President-elect Donald Trump has said he would like to create a "tax holiday" so that American companies can bring back profit that was generated overseas at a lower rate. However, corporate boards and executives may have different ideas.

- Undeterred by a resounding defeat at the United Nations, Israel's government said Monday that it would move ahead with thousands of new homes in disputed areas and warned nations against further action.

- When President-elect Donald Trump chose Representative Tom Price of Georgia to be his health and human services secretary, the American Medical Association swiftly endorsed the selection of one of its own.

- President Barack Obama expressed confidence that, if he had run for a third term, he would have defeated Donald Trump, according to an interview released Monday with David Axelrod, his friend and former adviser.

- An Indonesian court has ruled that the blasphemy trial of the minority Christian Governor of the country's capital, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, will proceed.

- Britney Spears and Sony Music Entertainment were the targets of a Twitter hoax on Monday morning. The Sony Music Global Twitter account had several tweets announcing that Spears had died; they were later deleted.




Russian authorities have requested non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in St. Petersburg supply them with information about volunteers and political activities linked to foreign funding, the paper reports.


Russia's FSB security service has found an eyewitness to the crash of a military plane over the Black Sea on Sunday who said the plane began to descend almost immediately after take-off from Sochi and crashed tail first into the sea, the daily says.

Foreign investors have invested more than $727 million in Russian funds so far this year, the most since 2010, according to the paper.


The Finance Ministry plans to form an additional reserve fund of 20-30 billion roubles ($328-493 million) to support the Russian economy next year, the newspaper reports, citing Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

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