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German Press Revolt Against Erdogan’s Tyrannical Attack On Free Speech

Journalists in Germany have accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of behaving like a tyrannical “coward”, amid Turkey’s ongoing attacks against freedom of the press.  Turkish authorities have cracked down on journalists, activists, and anyone outspoken against their brutal regime in both Turkey and across Europe – incarcerating anybody who dares to speak out against Erdogan. The current trial of four Turkish academics, who simply signed a petition that denounced military operations happening in the southeastern regions of Turkey, is an example of the Turkish government’s fascist approach in dealing with free speech in the country. reports: “Recep Tayyip Erdogan is afraid: afraid of criticism, of losing power, of the truth. Therefore, the Turkish president relentlessly pursues anyone who dares question his policies or even his personal qualities,” the magazine remarks. According to Stern, Erdogan treated the academics’ petition as a personal insult, and decided to put them on trial to show ‘who’s in charge.’ The Turkish president accused them of treason and aiding terrorists, even though his real motives – the fear that this petition might prompt other ‘malcontents’ to stand up against his policies – were pretty transparent, the author of the article argues. In January, 1,128 Turkish and international scientists signed the Academics for Peace petition calling for cessation of military operation in the southeast of Turkey. Turkish [...]