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GMO Maggot Therapy To Be Introduced In Hospitals To Treat Wounds

Hospitals in America may soon see a reintroduction of an ancient form of therapy with a modern twist. Researchers have discovered that GMO maggot therapy is more effective than modern medicine at repairing wounds in humans. Researchers at the North Carolina State University and Massey University in New Zealand say that the genetically engineered maggots promote cell growth and clean stubborn wounds. reports: This is done using a human growth factor, which the maggots secrete while removing dead tissue. The maggots used in the study are genetically engineered green bottle fly larvae, Lucilia sericata. In a treatment known as ‘maggot debridement therapy’ (MDT) the sterile larvae are raised in a lab and applied to a wound. This type of treatment focuses on non-healing wounds, in particular diabetic foot ulcers, and is cost-effective and approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The researchers from NC State and Massey University used two techniques to create a strain of maggots capable of ‘enhanced wound-healing.’ These larvae produce and secrete human platelet derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), which stimulates cell growth and survival to aid the healing process. In one technique, researchers used heat to trigger the production of this growth-factor in transgenic maggots. [...]