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The House Of Saud Is A Western Plot To Control The Middle East

The House of Saud isn’t exactly what it appears to be, as the Saudi Arabia royal family was actually born out of a zionist Western plot to exert control over the Middle East on behalf of the UK and U.S. The west wished to dominate the Arabian Peninsula, with its vast oil reserves and geopolitical advantages offered by its highly sought after location, and they have done exactly that. reports: The original conspiracy to dominate the Arabian Peninsula was hatched by a rogue Zionist clan that murdered and killed, pillaged and plundered, bribed and blackmailed its way to the top of the Arabian heap.  That’s not to say the various nomadic tribes that populated the land were in rife competition to rule the Arabian roost.  They were not, which is why the crypto-Zionist imposters were able to execute their scheme to take over the peninsula. The plot was implemented over many years in the midst of unsuspecting Muslim nomadic tribes whose primary concern was the survival of their roving communities. Only with this historical knowledge can the barbaric ways of the Saudi Arabia of today be properly understood. It’s as though the whole Middle East is being methodically set up to [...]