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Human Rights Protesters Beat Down By Pro-Erdogan Goons Outside Embassy In D.C.

A brawl erupted blocks from the White House at a protest outside of the Turkish Ambassador's residence in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, several hours after a meeting between President Trump and Turkish president Erdogan. Nine people were injured in the Sheridan Circle skirmish, two seriously - and two have been arrested including one charged with assaulting a police officer.

About two dozen protesters showed up with signs and a bullhorn in opposition of the Turkish President's visit.

We are protesting (Erdogan's) policies in Turkey, in Syria and in Iraq

-Flint Arthur, Baltimore, MD

Arthur reported Erdogan supporters crossing police lines at least three times to attack the protestors. In video of the incident, several attackers can be seen kicking a protester with a bullhorn who had fallen, as well as a woman lying on the ground. Metropolitan police drove the pro-Erdogan contingency back with batons.  

That's it! 


While the aggressors were initially reported as pro-Erdogan (pro-government) supporters, Voice of America reports that Erdogan's guards participated in the violence as well. If so, it would be the second time the Turkish President's security detail was involved in a dustup on US soil - having been accused last year of "kicking, shoving and verbally abusing" Turkish journalists attempting to enter an Erdogan speech.

Human Rights

Turkey has been criticized by Human Rights advocates over it's attack on Syrian Kurdish populations in the Northern border town of Jarablus, as well as bombings of US allies in Iraq and Syria - and there have been massive protests of the government's sweeping crackdown on all forms of dissent following a July 2016 coup attempt to unseat Erdogan. Over 100,000 people have been fired or suspended from work, and over 37,000 have been arrested - including journalists, academics, judges, prosecutors, military officials, prison guards, police officers, and civil servants.

In other words, Erdogan sent his goons throughout Turkey to purge and silence any and all who oppose him. The equivalent in the United States would be Trump immediately firing and /or arresting most MSM journalists, the majority of teachers, that pussyhat judge, Rosie O'Donnell, and anyone wearing Crocs. Antifa thugs would be professionally steamrolled by militarized police led by based stick man. Facebook and Twitter would become govt. entities, and Hollywood would be run by Mark Burnett while Bill Nye identifies as whatever gender his cellmate wants him to.

And just last month, Erdogan narrowly won a hotly contested referendum which concentrated his power through an "executive presidency." All executive and administrative authority will effectively transfer to the Turkish President, and the position of Prime Minister will be eliminated after 2019. Furthermore, Erdogan will also have the power to appoint top public officials, intervene in the judiciary, and decide when the country is in a state of emergency. Despite winning the referendum, Turkey's largest cities - Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir all voted no to the changes, resulting in country-wide protests.

For a much deeper look into the current situation in Turkey, here's a great look into Erdogan's current footing in international affairs.

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