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Hundreds Arrested In Nationwide Pizzagate Raids

A massive nationwide sting has seen over 500 individuals connected to child sex offences arrested in the first of many Pizzagate raids.  Officials from police departments, fire departments and local government are said to be among the hundreds arrested, as the FBI ramp up efforts to arrest everybody connected to a Washington D.C pedophile ring. The raids involved 23 law enforcement agencies spanning 14 states over the last 3 weeks, and targeted child sex offenders and sex traffickers across America. The first wave of arrests comes just days after Jeff Sessions signed an executive order giving permission for authorities to begin arresting anybody connected to the Pizzagate scandal in Washington D.C. Sheriff Thomas J. Dart  from the Illinois Sheriff’s Department, said in a press release: “Sex trafficking continues to destroy countless lives, and this broad national movement should send a strong message” “It’s particularly meaningful that this sting culminated on the day of the Super Bowl, which unfortunately has emerged as a prominent haven for sex trafficking.” In Houston, where the Super Bowl LI was hosted, 183 sex offenders, including two firefighters, a retired police officer, and a Houston city employee were among those arrested. “I’m exceedingly proud to lead the nation in [...]

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