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Indian Point Nuclear Leak 80% Worse Than Originally Thought

New readings from the Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York show disturbing levels of radioactive tritium that are 80% higher than previously believed.  Workers at the plant insist that the spill is not dangerous amid plans by state officials to launch an official safety probe into the incident. reports: Entergy, which operates the facility 25 miles (40 km) north of New York City, says the increased levels of tritium represent“fluctuations that can be expected as the material migrates.” “Even with the new readings, there is no impact to public health or safety, and although these values remain less than one-tenth of one percent of federal reporting guidelines,” Entergy said in a statement. New York governor Andrew Cuomo raised an alarm last Saturday over the reports of groundwater contamination at Indian Point, noting that the company reported “alarming levels of radioactivity” at three monitoring wells, with “radioactivity increasing nearly 65,000 percent” at one of them. The groundwater wells have no contact with any drinking water supplies, and the spill will dissipate before it reaches the Hudson River, a senior Entergy executive argued Tuesday, suggesting the increased state scrutiny was driven by the company’s decision to shut down another nuclear [...]