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IRS Agent Admits Income Tax Is Unconstitutional And Illegal

Friday 15th April was tax day in America, where millions of Americans file their returns with the IRS so as to avoid being prosecuted for ‘illegally’ witholding tax.  However, an IRS agent has recently come forward and admitted that not only is income tax fundamentally unconstitutional, but it is also illegal for the agency to demand that citizens pay it. reports: Moreover, the spending by the Federal government and the role of the Federal Reserve in issuing money create overlapping levels of evil that have driven the American people into mere serfs – albeit with cool toys and great TV reception. Former IRS Special Agent Joe Bannister explains to CNBC what he found out about the reality of the tax code: Essentially, its many pages are a work of legal fiction, operating under ‘color of law’ and used to oppress the people, and separate established wealth from everyone else. Bannister argues that by the books, the incomes of most Americans are not subject to the tax code, but the use of intimidation and nebulous code language has prevented the vast majority from discovering the truth. In this vintage clip, then-Congressman Ron Paul argues that the 16th Amendment wasn’t properly [...]