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Japan: Magnitude 5.8 Earthquake Hits Fukushima

A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck close to the nuclear power plant at Fukushima which was previously destroyed in 2011 by an earthquake and Tsunami The quake struck 62 km from Namie, Fukushima, at 8:19 AM eastern US time, on April 20, 2016 The Japanese Earthquake Center and US Geological Survey have both reported the quake Superstation95 reports: The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power plant saw three reactors meltdown and explode in March, 2011.  Clean-up of the radiation continues to this very day, with spent fuel still remaining in some damaged fuel pools.  If those pools are further damaged, they could collapse, draining immediately, and causing a nuclear fire to erupt in the spent fuel rods. The quake was centered around 60 miles south east of Sendai, Honshu, near where a devastating quake and tsunami struck in March 2011. Back in 2011, the disaster began with a quake about this size in the same area, and was followed a little while later by a massive magnitude 9.2 which generated the tsunami.  All eyes are now watching this same area of the ocean to see if history will repeat itself today. Despite serious concern over the recent earthquake activity in Japan, the atomic regulator refuses to shut [...]