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Joe Biden Admits His Biggest Regret

Amid Donna Brazile's revelations that she wanted to replace Hillary with Joe Biden due to health concerns, this morning's comments from the former vice-president are intriguing to say the least.

Just over two years ago, then-Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would not run to succeed President Barack Obama in the 2016 presidential election.

But as ABC News reports, this week, he admitted he regrets that he doesn't currently occupy the Oval Office given the potential he sees in the United States.

"I regret that I am not president because I think there is so much opportunity," Biden told Oprah Winfrey in a clip from an OWN Network interview aired exclusively by "Good Morning America" on Thursday.


"I think America is so incredibly well-positioned."

In a tug-at-your-heartstrings interview with Oprah, Biden - who has yet to rule out a run in 2020 - explained his biggest regret... then that he didn't really regret it...

Though Biden did not directly refer to Trump in the clips aired by "GMA," he described to Winfrey the characteristics he believes make for a successful leader.

"They understand their strengths and they understand their weaknesses. They play to their strengths and try to shore up their weaknesses," he explained.


"And the people who don't do that are the people who aren't self aware enough to know ... because most of the time that abuse ends up in their downfall as well."

Biden-Oprah ticket in 2020?