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Judgement Day Map Found In Russia, Linked To Deadly Virus

A new report released by the Kremlin states that Russia’s refusal to accept Levant War Zone refugees into the country stems from recent discovery of a mysterious “Judgement Day map” found on a refugee attempting to enter the country. According to Russian officials, the map depicts a “day of judgement” quote from the Qur’an on a document that they have linked back to a U.S. bio-weapons laboratory in Ukraine, where people have died from a mysterious new virus. reports: According to this report, FSB Border Troops processed over 5,500 of these asylum seekers into Norway this past year with the majority of them being Syrian and Iraqi nationals—and as is the law and custom for all such border crossing of these types, the individuals seeking such a border crossing are subjected to a “severe/stringent” search of both their belongings and persons. Prior to these asylum seekers being examined though, this report explains, they are provided by FSB Border Troops “firm guidance” (both written and spoken) as to what constitutes illegal contraband and are given a “one time” opportunity to discard from themselves, into what are described as “amnesty containers”, anything they have been instructed/advised would put them into direct [...]