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Just Before 9/11 “Bush Asked Me To Find A Way To Invade Iraq”

Paul O’Neill was fired from his job as George Bush’s Treasury Secretary for allegedly disagreeing with the former president’s policy on tax cuts. O’Neill has revealed that Bush had asked him prior to the 9/11 attacks to find him a way of invading Iraq.  Bush told the former Treasury Secretary 10 days after his inauguration to “go find me a way” to go into Iraq. What qualifies as suspicious behavior? Cheney meeting with nearly every oil executive in existence and discussing Iraq’s oil fields months before 9/11, even though those executives denied meeting with him before Congress? People in the Bush Administration discussing creating a “cassus belli” for war with Iraq prior to 9/11? FBI Superiors blocking subordinates from doing their jobs? The CIA seemingly protecting at least 2 of the hijackers? The NSA lying about not knowing the location of two of the hijackers in San Diego? NORAD lying about their air response that morning? Multiple people in the Bush Administration denying that there were any warnings even though at least 14 countries warned us, and even though Bush received the August 6th, PDB and a multitude of PDBs that are supposedly worse than that one that we’re not even allowed [...]