Former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone asks for Prime Minister David Cameron to resign following revelations of dodgy tax dealings by his father. Prime Minister Cameron is facing a lot of criticism for the small inheritance that was bequeathed to him by his late father in a will. The former mayor of London blames the Prime Minister and his party for all the financial woes of the last few decades, when Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher started an economic experiment. Russia Today reports: Livingstone said the Panama Papers scandal is “incredibly damaging” for the PM. He went on to call Cameron the “most hypocritical prime minister of my lifetime” and described his administration as the “most damaging government.” Speaking to RT, the former Labour mayor said: “I think he should resign, you know, right when he started his term of office, his has been the most damaging government, [inflicting] huge damage to the poorest people, to communities that desperately need investment. Snowden tells Brits to get a #resigncameron game plan. Should the PM be sweating? — RT UK (@RTUKnews) April 8, 2016 “Cameron’s government, for the last six years, has been about a small elite getting richer while [...]